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The major cave for horizontal caving

These cave is major cave for horizontal caving. When you goes into each cave, an administrator's or land owner's permission or notification is necessary.
And, there cave haveshort pits of about 10m in some of the caves.

NameTown or cityPrefectureSizeNote
Sugawatari doIwaizumi-tyoIwateMore than 3000mThe danger of the flood
Airahachirou no anaIwaizumi-tyoIwateUnder 1000m
Momonoki doIwaizumi-tyoIwateMore than 1000mThe danger of the siphon
Fusa doKawasaki-muraIwateMore than 1000m
O anaKashima-tyoFukushimaMore than 2000m
Irimizu syounyudoTakine-tyoFukushimaAbout 1000m
Takamatsusawa no anaKuzuu-tyoTochigiUnder 1000m
Ishibunasawa syounyudoOtaki-murasaitamaUnder 1000m
Ryuugashi do Nigou doHamamatsu cityShizuokaUnder 1000m
Shin anaToyohashi cityAichiUnder 1000m
Sango doMiyama-tyoGifuUnder 1000m
Kawachi no kazaanaTaga-tyoShigaMore than 3000mA way is very easy to lost.
Syurei no mizuanaIse cityMieUnder 1000m
Himesaka kanachiNiimi cityOkayamaMore than 1000mThe danger of the siphon
Ushioigoya no anaNiimi cityOkayamaAbout 1000m
Uyama doNiimi cityOkayamaAbout 1000m
Tsuchihashi no anaNiimi cityOkayamaUnder 1000m
Iwaya no anaHokubo-tyoOkayamaMore than 1000m
Kagekiyo doMito-tyoYamaguchiMore than 1000m
Sishidedai no anaMito-tyoYamaguchiUnder 1000m
Sango anaMito-tyoYamaguchiUnder 1000m
Akiyoshi doSyuho-tyoYamaguchiMore than 8000mAn dryn cave is about 1000m.
Himeyama-no anaSyuho-tyoYamaguchiUnder 1000m
Rakan anaNomura-tyoEhimeUnder 1000m
Kuroiwa doMikawa-muraYamaguchiUnder 1000m
Kuwo-no kazaanaTosayama-muraKochiUnder 1000m
Saruta do KochiUnder 1000m
Ryuga doTosayamada-tyoKochiMore than 2000m
Mejiro doKita-kyusyu cityFukuokaMore than 2000m
Seiryu kutukanda-tyoFukuokaAbout 2000m
Raijin doKita-kyusyu cityFukuokaUnder 1000m
Fudo doYukuhashi cityFukuokaAbout 1000m
Mizunashi syounyudoMaebara cityFukuokaMore than 1000m
Nakatou doShiiba-muraMiyazakiMore than 2000m
Tuzurase doItsuki-muraKumamotoMore than 1000m
Ingama goWadomari-tyoKagoshimaMore than 1000m
Ooyama kotobuki doChina-tyoKagoshimaMore than 2000m
Syoryu do jou doChina-tyoKagoshimaMore than 1000m
Syoryu do ge doChina-tyoKagoshimaMore than 1000m
Ginsui doChina-tyoKagoshimaMore than 2000m
Gyokusen doTamagusuku-muraOkinawaMore than 4000m
Yaji gamaTamagusuku-muraOkinawaMore than 1000m
Todoroki goGinowan cityOkinawaMore than 2000m
Kura gaGushikawa cityOkinawaAbout 1000m

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